Catching up

Have you ever been one of those people trying to catch up on a show that you realized was intriguing or perhaps talk of the show just kept interfering with your daily life?

Maybe it was all those damn stars on Netflix or it was recommend by your circle of friends. Maybe you were  just curious and wanted to see what all the rave was about, or you stumbled on it accidentally, or worse you were forced to glimpse a scene or part of an episode.

You overhear your roommate on the phone engaged in a conversation about some guy named Jesse and the chicken guy. You wonder what it means with they say, “there is always money in the banana stand, winter is coming or that proximity to power deludes some into thinking they wield it.”  You are for some reason drawn to it, to know, to understand, to be in that boat.

If you are like the majority, starting in the middle would be a crime. The others do not care one way or the other, they need to know what it is that is sucking the blood of the nation, they must see for themselves and they will start wherever they are allowed.

The majority waits. They sit patiently like a snaggletooth crocodile and when the time is right they devour their prey. Gobbling it up in a mad  binge until they can no longer keep their eyes open.

The Majority binge watches

The majority binge. (This is a video, but don’t leave yet!)


You have been captured. The Character is your friend. You hate what Damages is, but you can’t stop.

This is my blog. I am not a girl to start in the middle, but I have to.

You see…

If I were to start at the beginning you would have to be waiting for a very long time 

to binge, to know me, to understand my character and why things came to be the way they are.






Side Note

Also watch Spoiler Alert If you do not mind a spoiler or two on everyone else’s favorite show.

Spoiler Alert! Warning: Spoiler Alert

Spoiler Alert! Warning: Spoiler Alert (Video)

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